Introducing Imperum impAI
Welcome to impAI – where cutting edge
technology meets cybersecurity
Secure your digital frontiers by leveraging the transformative strength of Artificial Intelligence.

Embrace the Future of Cybersecurity with impAI
Designed to reshape the security operations landscape using the power of AI.
Discover a comprehensive range of functionalities tailored to the modern-day SOC operations and beyond.
AI-Driven Response Recommendations
Learn MoreProactive Remediation Suggestions:
Learn MoreAI/ML User-Manual
Learn MoreMeet the impAI’Bots and Their Soldiers:
Learn MoreDynamic App Connector Wizard
Learn MoreAdaptive OpenAPI
Learn MoreEmpowering Cybersecurity:
Understanding the Digital Guardians of Virtual SOC
From Proactive Monitoring to Critical Response: Unraveling the Distinctive Roles and Responsibilities of
Virtual SOC Analysts, Managers, and Responders in the Digital Age

AI Virtual
SOC Analyst
Empower your SOC with an AI analyst that not only spots threats but also understands the nuances of your unique operational environment.

AI Virtual
SOC Manager
Delegate with confidence. This AI manager ensures optimal distribution of cases, manages the overall SOC workflow, and continuously improves based on ever-evolving threat landscapes.

AI Virtual
SOC Responder
When threats strike, every second counts. Our AI responder ensures timely, accurate, and efficient responses, safeguarding your assets and reputation.

Dynamic App
Connector Wizard
Building an app connector? Let impAI’s wizard do the heavy lifting by automating pull/push/get/response command mappings, all thanks to localized AI/ML training.